If you require maintenance on your machine, simply call the office – and if we can help you over the phone we will direct you to our troubleshooting videos, or if that fails we will book an engineer to come to you.
All we ask is that you keep the external surfaces clean and empty and wash the drip tray regularly – and also the optional drain tank if fitted.
How often should a Water Cooler be serviced?
When did you last have your Water Cooler serviced?
Maintenance should be carried out at regular intervals.
Your bottled Water Cooler should be serviced quarterly and Mains Fed Cooler at least every six months.
To book a service from one of our engineers please call 01694 731 206 or email
When did you last have your water filter changed?
What happens if a water filter isn’t changed?
Water filters are designed to last about 6 months, and after that point, the filter stops being as effective. This means that pollutants can potentially find their way into your water if the filter isn’t replaced.
To book a service from one of our engineers please call 01694 731 206 or email
What can I do if I’m unhappy with my current Water Cooler provider?
Simply get in touch with our Shropshire based team and we will provide you with a no-obligation quote.
Get in touch by calling 01694 731 206 or email